Ashly hanson

I've loved horror since I watched Pet semetary at 5! My mom cultivated my love of horror and I've grown up attending events througho


Placed 11th

in their group

We would like to thank you for supporting Ashly hanson in this years competition. Your participation helps aid the Starlight Children's Foundation in its mission to deliver happiness to seriously ill kids and their families through virtual reality experiences, fun hospital wear, games, and positivity!


What draws you to the darkness?

When I was small I used to watch ghost hunting shows with my dad on the history Channel. IN October I'd wait for my parents to get back from KSF and tell me everything. Then I was old enough to go! It's always been a part of me and my family. We have always loved horror and anything spooky!

Tell us why you would make it to the end of a horror movie.

I honestly can't say I would! As much as I'm aware of the rules and what not, but it would depend on the sub genre of horror I was trapped in. I'd probably get axed when attempting to save a friend or my usual clumsiness would be the end of me.

What would you do with the unlucky $13,000?

Catch up on bills as cheesy as that is. My ex fiance was an alcoholic and I tried so hard to save us that I dug myself into a financial pit. I currently live back at home and sleep on my parents couch. That kind of money would literally be life changing! I'd also try to put some aside so I could do a ghostly road trip across the US!

Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Face of Horror, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.