Brett Tyler Anderson

I can scare the living shit out of people when I really want to simply with the look in my eyes and the snarling contortion on my face


Placed 47th

in their group

We would like to thank you for supporting Brett Tyler Anderson in this years competition. Your participation helps aid the Starlight Children's Foundation in its mission to deliver happiness to seriously ill kids and their families through virtual reality experiences, fun hospital wear, games, and positivity!


What draws you to the darkness?

I dunno. I guess I just always identified more with the dark and mysterious. The hated and misunderstood.

Tell us why you would make it to the end of a horror movie.

Well for one, I wouldn't be making the usual rookie mistakes like tripping over shit but also I'd be bringing quite a bit of tenacity and unflinching brutality with me that might make even Jason take a second glance

What would you do with the unlucky $13,000?

Honestly, pay off all the debt my little brother has cost me. The rest would probably be going towards a vacation for my lovely girlfriend and myself

Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Face of Horror, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.