Carol Torrens

Because my deep connection to the spiritual realm allows me to bring authenticity to the role.


Placed 47th

in their group

We would like to thank you for supporting Carol Torrens in this years competition. Your participation helps aid the Starlight Children's Foundation in its mission to deliver happiness to seriously ill kids and their families through virtual reality experiences, fun hospital wear, games, and positivity!


What draws you to the darkness?

The possibility to connect with unseen realms and explore the mysteries that lie beyond the surface. The darkness reveals what is often hidden, making it a source of profound insight and growth.

Tell us why you would make it to the end of a horror movie.

As a medium and energy worker, I have a strong intuition and a deep understanding of unseen forces, which would help me navigate the dangers in a horror movie. My ability to sense energies and anticipate threats would allow me to stay one step ahead of danger. I would use my knowledge and skills to outsmart any adversary and make it to the end.

What would you do with the unlucky $13,000?

Spend it all on sage, crystals and rituals to keep any mischievous spirits from tagging along. 🤣

Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Face of Horror, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.