Jess Newell

I love everything about it! I have survived a lot of real horror in my life & learned to laugh, appreciate, and accept it, in character too.


Placed 29th

in their group

We would like to thank you for supporting Jess Newell in this years competition. Your participation helps aid the Starlight Children's Foundation in its mission to deliver happiness to seriously ill kids and their families through virtual reality experiences, fun hospital wear, games, and positivity!


What draws you to the darkness?

I'm pretty sure it is long engraved in to my lineage. Plus I have always had a dark sence of humor and love scary things. Stories, movies, books, houses ext, count me in. I know the real evils in this world and enjoy the made up ones, however real they may be or seem. I appreciate the real ones being rectified where possible and love a good, healthy scare. I have always been sensitive & keen to real life darkness, in many forms. Also, I was bit by a bat 9 years ago so I figure it's appropriate.

Tell us why you would make it to the end of a horror movie.

First off, because whatever it is, I'm not checking it out, I'm just out. Second because I only have to outrun one person at a time. And third, I've watched every kind of movie old to new and me and the one's who get killed so easy or let their gaurd down are not the same. I've lived through real evil, I know there is always a way out.

What would you do with the unlucky $13,000?

I would help aid in the non-profit programs of Recovery from all things. I would also use some of it to help get myself out of my own living hell especiallly without transportation to doctors, meetings or events to maintain and aid in my own 4 years and counting of continuous sobriety from alcohol while being a survivor of many unexceptable things. Honestly I'd like to start living now, instead of just surviving and support others to do the same.

Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Face of Horror, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.