Sydney Mack

I love everything horror. I think this would be a really unique and interesting opportunity. All things horror and paranormal all the time!


Placed 46th

in their group

We would like to thank you for supporting Sydney Mack in this years competition. Your participation helps aid the Starlight Children's Foundation in its mission to deliver happiness to seriously ill kids and their families through virtual reality experiences, fun hospital wear, games, and positivity!

What draws you to the darkness?

Everything about it is insanely interesting to me. Its terrifying but I love it at the same time. And not everything thats dark is scary. I just love all the possibilities of the unknown about the paranormal world. And honestly I have always fit in better with the darkness and things that might seem scary, and found more comfort in them than I ever have the light. Darkness is part of me and I embrace it. Its been one of the only constants throughout my life and it feels like the norm for me.

Tell us why you would make it to the end of a horror movie.

Well, I have my wits about me and think I would make better choices than a lot of the horror film stars. I love adrenaline and being scared and my fight or flight response is usually good for whatever situation I might find myself in. I also think outside of the box most of the time so in sticky situations I think that would be useful!

What would you do with the unlucky $13,000?

Honestly, the last 5 years have been rough after my mom passed away. This last year has been the biggest struggle, I am starting over from square one once again, and I'm staying on my friends moms couch... My son turns 8 on October 31st 2024 (what a birthday for a Halloween/horror fan to have a kid, huh?) And I could use that money to help me get back on my feet for the both of us. If I won the money it would literally change our lives.

Colossal is a nationally registered professional fundraiser that inspires people to advocate for themselves and those in need. Through online competitions like Face of Horror, Colossal offers participants the opportunity to make their mark while also making a big impact.